These are strange times. The threat of COVID-19 has forced the population to stay at home, canceling all our plans for the summer — including the holy Week.
As a predominantly Catholic nation, the Philippines regards the Lenten season is an important time. For over 300 years, the Spaniards built a church in almost every town of every province, some more grandiose than others. one of the traditions that they, particularly the Augustinian missioners, brought to the country is the visita iglesia, wherein the faithful pray at one church after another.
But because of the current conditions, visita iglesia is not a good idea. Of course, one can still pray and practice your faith at home. but if you also want to see churches, we can make do with a virtual tour for now.
Thankfully, Google Maps has an awesome feature called street View, which offers a 360-degree view of places as though you’re there. and yes, they include churches!
To use it, just open Google Maps online, type the church you want to visit, and drag the Pegman in the bottom right corner of the screen to a specific area on the map. If you’re using a mobile phone, simply enter the church name and tap on a place marker.
Here are 10 of the most fantastic churches in the Philippines that you can explore using street View!
Co jest objęte tym przewodnikiem?
San Agustin Church, Manila
Manila Cathedral
Taal Basilica, Batangas
Paoay Church, Ilocos Norte
Tuguegarao Cathedral, Cagayan
Daraga Church, Albay
Santo Niño Church, Cebu
Jaro Cathedral, Iloilo
Baclayon Church, Bohol
San Pedro Cathedral, Davao
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San Agustin Church, Manila
Completed in 1602, this is the oldest stone church in the country. established by Augustinian priests, it was originally named after St. Paul but was later changed. located within the walls of Intramuros, it has survived looting by invaders, several earthquakes, and wars. In 1992, this Baroque-style historic landmark was inscribed on the UNESCO world Heritage List, along with a few other churches.
Street View: San Agustin Church
Manila Cathedral
Another impressive house of worship within Intramuros is the minor Basilica and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, more commonly known as Manila Cathedral. The history of this neo-Romanesque church can be traced all the way to the 1570s. It has undergone numerous reconstructions over the centuries.
Manila Cathedral. photo by Jay Leano
Street View: Manila Cathedral
Taal Basilica, Batangas
The largest Catholic church in Asia, the minor Basilica of Saint Martin of tours is 96 meters long, 45 meters wide, and 96 meters tall. This colossal Baroque structure was made of coral stones and adobe.
Taal Basilica
Sitting on top of a hill, Taal Basilica towers over the old heritage town of Taal. It is a very dominant structure and is visible in most parts of the town proper and even in some parts of the neighboring town Lemery.
This is actually the second church. The original edifice, which was devastated by the eruption of Taal volcano, was in present-day San Nicolas.
Street View: Taal Basilica
Paoay Church, Ilocos Norte
Also known as the St. Augustine Church, the Paoay Church was started to be constructed in 1694 by the Augustinian friars but it was only in 1894 when it was finally completed. The architecture of this church is a healthy mixture of Gothic and Baroque designs with some Oriental elements in it. Its facade is somewhat Gothic but the gables are quite Chinese. The niches topping the walls make you think of Indonesia’s Borobudur Temple, revealing some Javanese influence.
One of the best parts of the church is its three-storey bell tower made of coral stone. Standing a couple of meters from the church, this belfry served as one of the observations posts for the Katipuneros in 1896 in the height of the Philippine Revolt against Spain. during the world war II, it was again used as an observation post by the Filipino guerillas.
In 2000, an excavation inside Paoay Church revealed a prehistoric human skeleton and some fragmented ceramics. They are now being exhibited at the national Museum.
Street View: Paoay Church
Tuguegarao Cathedral, Cagayan
Photo by Asta Alvarez
Officially named St. Peter Metropolitan Cathedral, the Tuguegarao Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop and the center of the Catholic faith in the city. It is an 18th-century church that features Baroque architecture. It is also one of the largest churches in the Cagayan Valley.
Street View: Tuguegarao Cathedral
Daraga Church, Albay
Photo by RC Balatbat
The Daraga Church (officially “the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Porteria”) is an 18th-century baroque structure, overlooking the sea and the majestic Mayon Volcano. Under the supervision of the Franciscans, its construction was completed in 1773 at the time when Daraga was just a part of Cagsawa. but Mayon’s disAstrous erupt w 1814 r. Całkowicie zdewastowała Cagsawę, popychając ocalałych do przeniesienia do Daragi. Narodowy Instytut Historyczny ogłosił tę stronę krajowym skarbem kulturowym w 2007 r.
Widok ulicy: Kościół Daraga
Santo Niño Church, Cebu
Sto. Nino Church
Kościół i klasztor Santo Nino, ukończony w 1565 r. Pod przewodnictwem ojców Augustinian, jest pierwszym ustanowionym kościołem w kraju. 1 listopada 1565 r. Zarówno kościół, jak i klasztor zostali spalone. Zostały przebudowane tylko po to, aby zostać zniszczone przez kolejny pożar w marcu 1628 r. Został ponownie odtworzony w latach 1628–1629. To, co teraz widzisz, jest innym kościołem pod względem projektowania. Obecny projekt został wyprodukowany i wdrożony podczas uprzedniego ks. Juana Albarrana (1735-1737).
Widok ulicy: Sto. Nino Church
Katedra Jaro, Iloilo
Katedra Jaro ma barokowy styl z niektórymi gotyckich elementów, które przez lata były dodawane przez liczne remonty. Remonty, pytasz? Podobnie jak większość starych kościołów na Filipinach, ta katedra cierpiała na wiele niszczycielskich sił, w tym trzęsienie ziemi w styczniu 1948 r., Które prawie całkowicie zniszczyło to miejsce. Ale według Zakonu pierwszego arcybiskupa Jaro w 1956 r. Jego Ekscelencja Jose Ma. Cuenco, katedra została przywrócona.
Widok ulicy: Katedra Jaro
Baclayon Church, Bohol
Kościół Baclayon, formalnie znany jako Kościół Matki Bożej Niepokalanego Poczęcia w Baclayon, mówi się, że jest najstarszym kościołem w Bohol i jednym z najstarszych w kraju. Został formalnie założony 17 listopada 1596 r. Przez ks. Juan de Torres i ks. Gabriel Sanchez z Jezuickiego Zakonu. Ale w 1727 r. Budynek, który widzimy dzisiaj, został zbudowany przez około 200 przymusowych robotników. Jego ściany i filary zostały wykonane z kamieni koralowych. Choć jezuita zbudowana, Augustinian wspominają bardziej nowoczesną fasadę w XIX wieku.
Zobacz domniemany obraz Padre Pio?
Oprócz historii Kościoła jedną interesującą rzeczą w tym Kościele jest tajemniczy obraz twarzy człowieka na jednym z jego filarów. Niektórzy twierdzą, że jest to obraz, jeśli Padre Pio z Pietrelcina.
Widok uliczny: Baclayon Church
Katedra San Pedro, Davao
Katedra San Pedro jest niezwykła dla dwóch rzeczy. Jest to najstarszy kościół w mieście, ustanowiony przez Hiszpanów w 1847 roku. Ma również zakrzywione dachy, które wyglądają jak żagiel z krzyżem, niezwykłe dla kościołów katolickich. Mówi się, że pierwotna struktura została wykonana z bambusa i NIPA, ale została odbudowana przy użyciu betonu w 1964 roku.
Widok ulicy: katedra Davao
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